
Hiding columns from users

Hiding columns from users

Sometimes you need to secure or restrict access to individual columns within a view.

A typical scenario that would require this might be employee information, where columns like the salary or leave days might ideally only be viewable by the human resource manager and not everybody in the organisation.

In other words, column level security enables the hiding or masking of fields or columns based on user authorizations. The result is that authorized users will see the content of a secure column as if it was a normal column, while unauthorised users will not even know that the column exists. In Yellowfin, column security can be applied at both a user or group level.

In the example below, I will take you through the steps to implement column level security on the Athlete ID field in the Ski-Team view. The Ski-Team view is part of the tutorial content that is shipped with Yellowfin.

  1. Use the Browse page to search for the Ski-Team view and select Edit.

    Views can either be edited directly (Edit Existing) or copied (Clone the edit) depending on the reporting access needed to the view during editing and also the need for rollback functionality.

    Edit View

  2. Click on the Prepare step of the view edit process.

    Prepare Step in View

  3. Open the Field Settings menu and select the Athlete ID field in the Athlete folder/category.

    Field Settings

  4. Select the Access tab found at the bottom and change the Access Level to Restricted.

    Access Tab

  5. Close Field Settings.

  6. Open the View Security Menu at the top of the screen and select the Athlete ID under Restricted Fields to define the column level security.

    View Security Menu

  7. Add the “Administrators” group to the Access list by searching for and selecting it. The group will now be added to the Column Access list.

    Access List

  8. Click on Publish to Activate your view. Column level security is now applied to your view.